5 Tips for Interviewing Sales Leadership

If you dive deep into the above five areas during your interview process, you have a much greater chance of understanding more about the leader you are hiring and have a much stronger view of if they will successfully drive growth for your company.

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Title Inflation

Title inflation is simply a bad practice that creates ambiguity both internally and externally and puts value on superficial markers of success over genuine accomplishments.

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Get in the Weeds! 🌿

As a recruiter who hires VP-C-suite leaders across multiple disciplines, I see it all, and I speak to many. Here’s my message: If you want to stay relevant, GET IN THE WEEDS!

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AI and Recruiting

Human interaction is simply too complex and too personal for a machine to understand and it is only another human who has the ability to relate, assess and hire.

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Contract vs. Full-Time: The Benefits and Pitfalls of the Liquid Workforce

Freelance workers continue to be in high demand, and for many, this represents a perceived opportunity to control their own destiny or an opportunity to continue earning while looking for a full-time position.

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2024 Talent Acquisition Outlook

From a talent perspective, 2024 seems to represent a fresh start where people believe again that bold career moves should be made rather than staying in limbo, waiting to see what the economy will bring.

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Assessing Leadership to Grow Revenue

The engine for revenue growth is massively shifting, as are the roles and leadership needs associated with it.

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The New Pressures Facing Revenue Leadership

As revenue growth becomes more intertwined within multiple areas of a company, savvy Chief Revenue Officers can be at the forefront of transformation by rethinking everything from implementing new technologies to how to approach the marketplace.

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How to Successfully Start a New Job or a New Hire

Few things are more exciting than a new job. Starting your new job—or your new executive hire—the right way can avoid a rollercoaster of emotions and accelerate business success.

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How to Conduct Backdoor References

Backdoor references have been a common practice in recruiting for years. What's the right way to approach them?

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Execution is Everything

Your problem is not your competition, it's your execution.

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The Return to Brand

As AI takes over, and search and social don't deliver the ROI, the only thing that will help your company stand out is brand.

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The Risks of Title Inflation and the Crowded C-Suite

Giving out C-suite titles like candy can be high-risk and disruptive for your company.

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Ego vs. Confidence

Interviewing is a learned skill where you need to be able to unpack and understand the difference between confidence and ego.

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How To Transition Non-performing Leadership

Five things to consider when transitioning a non-performing leader.

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